Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Slithering Encounter

This is one of the reasons I love this place. This is definitely not the first encounter, just the first one since I started posting to this blog. I have pics of white oak snakes resting intertwined in our 4 wheelers, as well as one that wanted to nap under the car on the muffler. Eventually, I'll probably post the Bear pic's that we have as well. But figured this would be a good start.

And yes, it was ready to strike. In fact right after snapping the picture it struck at our dog.

If you are curious, the snake was unharmed. I brought the dog inside and escorted the snake back into the wooded area of the property. Against the wife's wishes.. lol

Snakes are just so damn cool.

Climate Change could Flush Florida

Tallahassee Democrat - www.tallahassee.com - Tallahassee, FL.

Well this could suck. Guess this is part of the reason I had to get flood insurance, because of Global Warming and the fact that we live in the 100 yr flood plain? Damn, guess we better start building floatable housing. I like how Sink says:

"If this world of ours doesn't pay attention to warming, parts of Florida will be underwater. We're not going to let that happen"

And yet his recommendation to "Fixing" this is to switch to bio-fuels? Yea, that will keep the rising sea levels at bay. lol

Seriously, I personally do believe that Global Warming is an issue.... But it's going to take alot more than just switching to Bio-Fuels. Why don't we take advantage of better energy creation systems like Nuclear power plants, or Resource Recover Facilities instead of Land Fills. There are multiple options, none of witch seem to get proper attention let alone any real action on them.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chalk Up Another Win!

It appears some of my poker practice has been paying off... Literally! This time it was an excellent come back. Not only was I low stacked, but I came back by winning 2 hands in a row with a simple pair of 4's! Then got a full house with 7's over 8's... Just sheer luck in those hands, but it was enough to give me a fighting chance. My luck continued for the remainder of the game and we ended up splitting the pot 3 ways... Today was a good day for gambling lol...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Home Town News...

The Apalachicola & Carrabelle Times

I actually seen this guy playing down at the Restaurant when I went to pick up some food. Also, bumped into him again when I went down to the docks to check out a computer for someone. All i can say is he has a very ambitious plan that's for sure. Seemed like a nice fellow, and i might check out his web page every now and then to see how he is doing. Here is a direct link to his page Some Guy On a Bike

Friday, February 09, 2007


The above title stands for : "Yet Another Difference Between Girls And Guys"

Lavatory Activities when doing #1:

First for the Girl:
A girl will quietly enters the bathroom, possibly even turning on a fan or something to make more noise because she doesn't want anyone to hear her. When finished she will wipe, but will wipe in such a way that it's a one way trip.. meaning no up and down motion... its one way and let go as soon as possible cause this is gross! Now that she is yucked out, she will flush hoping that no one hears the toilet.. while toilet is flushing is when she gets re-dressed then she washes her hands with both water AND soap. Dries hands and TADA elegant and clean. As she exits the bathroom, fan goes off, light off. Done. PS. If this is Public location, addition step includes hovering... A task that can only be thought of by a woman, and is not even known to most men. I would attempt to enlighten you on this, but I'm pretty sure you can picture it... LOL

Now for the Guy:
Enters the bathroom possibly while finishing a conversation with someone in the other room. No need to worry about a fan or even a light for that matter, it's not going to take that long. Stand in front of the toilet usually using the knee or shin to make sure we aren't too close. At this point is when the difficult decision comes, lift lid or practice aim? This is typically a 70/30 choice... 70% of the time we practice aim, 30% we will lift lid. While peeing, make circles in the toilet because this is taken longer than we had thought and there are many other things we would rather be doing. Next, flush toilet because we find it fun to try "race" with the toilet to see who will finish first, this is usually when the fart gets released for that extra boost! Next, shake to make sure most of the liquid has made it, occasionally this is where the uncontrollable shoulder shake happens. Finally, flush again because the toilet won the race and deserves a victory lap. Next steps may vary depending on situations. If we are alone or with other guys, close shop and continue doing what ever we were before... If drips actually hit our hands, then wash but just with some water and dry on whatever is handy in following order: towel, dirty clothes, jeans, shirt, or shake hands vigorously. If girl is in another room, run water to give her the impression that we are clean.

This is the first post in a series of post that might include more of the differences between men and women :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Letters to the Editor in "The Times"

Ok, time for some Carrabelle news here. Last week I noticed the following 2 letters sent to the Editor of "The Times" and it seems that no one submitted a rebuttal to this so I decided to :) :
    1) There Ought To Be A Law
  • "To the Editor: Hi, I’m not one to write letters and have them placed in the newspaper for everyone to read, but this time I can’t keep quiet. At last night’s Lanark Village Water and Sewer meeting, a member of the audience said that his son has been buying pornographic movies from a store in Carrabelle owned by water board commissioner Sharon Thoman. He was upset by this and asked why this was being done in the city limits of Carrabelle. Commissioner Thomas said that she had recently stopped doing that and had taken all of the pornographic material out of her store. The gentleman who brought this up then asked if he could bring all of the materials that his son had bought and rented from her and get the money back. She agreed. My god, what’s going on! Is this the kind of activities that our elected officials should be engaging in? Isn’t this against the law? Doesn’t this break some kind of ordinance in the city of Carrabelle? I have not heard of any arrests being made and Commissioner Thomas readily admitted that she had been selling pornographic movies. If it is not against the law, it should be. We should all call our local law enforcers and lawmakers and ask them to keep this kind of immoral filth out of our county. After all, it might be your child that gets corrupted.
    Bonnie Arnold
    Lanark Village"

  • 2) Pornography Bad Influence on Our Children
  • "To the Editor Hi, I’m writing today to talk about an ugly situation. I was at a water and sewer meeting in Lanark Monday the 22nd of January. At this meeting a man asked everyone in the crowd if they had children. Most raised their hands. This man then made the statement that his son had been buying filthy movies from a store in Carrabelle owned by the Chairman of the Lanark Water District Sharon Thoman. Chairman Thoman told this man that she had stopped selling pornography recently and had taken it off of her shelves. I guess it is not against the law or she would not have admitted it. To my way of thinking it may not be illegal but it certainly is immoral. Maybe our local pastors and church leaders could step up and ask that this not continue to happen in our community. Our children have enough trouble growing up without this kind of immoral influence. Who knows what this does to the minds of the young and vulnerable. Thanks for listening.
    Peggy Kight
    Lanark Village"

Let me start by saying in response to Letter #1 from Bonnie, There is a law against allowing minors to purchase pornographic material and since these young men were simply exercising their rights as young adults, what is the problem here? If I read the reports correctly these men were 18, hence the reason no Laws were broken. The Business that Sharon Toman is involved in really has nothing to do with her being an elected official, So what she owns a movie business and she is now forced to limit that business because you thought she sold porn to children???? As for corrupting our children; again since these gentlemen were of age according Law, it can't quite be considered corrupting our children now can it? All we can do is raise them to the best of our ability and hope they make correct choices later in life.

To Peggy in Letter #2, My issue with your statement has to do with the fact you bring up the issue of morality. You state that our local clergy men should get involved to set laws. I simply can not agree with you here. You've heard of the Separation of Church and State right? Hey, lets not stop with porn, lets get our clergy men to outlaw drinking too! Next, I suppose we could create a law to force people to attend church as well? That should do wonders to help our community as well as take some more of our Freedom away! I do agree with you about our children having enough problems growing up, but given this situation it pales into the comparison with the other issues like racism, free thinking, and rigorous tradition that they will have to also overcome on their way.

Just to make myself clear here, I do not support pornography. However, I do support our laws. And the law states that pornography can be purchased/rented by adults. It's also stated that a rental business can sell/rent porn to those of age. I'm sure these concerned citizens might have thought these "children" were actually children and probably reacted in writing their letters to the editor before getting the full story.

I'm done ranting for now ;)